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Because sound financial advice is a real need.

We’re removing the biggest barriers that prevent access to unbiased financial advice: cost and conflict.

Two girls standing on the arrow, one girl pulling the other girl from falling from the arrow!


hand shake


We are human first - and then we help harness the power of machine learning

hand touching section of the pie chart

Data- Driven

Data is at the centre of our decision engines, making it objective, unbiased and efficient

closed fist with sun rays around it


We provide the opportunity for investors to shape their investing journey

hand holding the pen checking the boxes on the list


Every interaction is designed to help us understand you better, ensuring continuous improvement

“We can help clients make better financial decisions in scalable and affordable ways by applying digital-first design thinking”

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Swapnil Mishra Caricature

"After two decades in private banking and six years in academia, I want to bring this confluence of business and education to life by building a platform that combines empowerment and education to help us make better financial decisions. Currently, I’m writing a book on financial literacy."

Swapnil Mishra
Founder, WealthZen.AI
For the curious minds

Swapnil, a finance veteran, offers a refreshing investing guide. Unlike dry and complex books, he presents nine illustrated narratives, making finance enjoyable and informative. Addressing the emotional aspect often missed, he helps readers grasp financial concepts and develop strategic approaches. Discover the art of investing with a seasoned expert as your guide.

"Mishra brings his experience of working in the wealth management industry to address challenges that financial planning presents. Using easy to relate to case studies, the book presents problems people are often confronted with and their solutions. The book gives insights on good financial hygiene to both beginners as well as people who are more advanced in their financial journey."

Dr. Madhav S Aney, Professor of Economics, Singapore Management University.
"This is a wonderful, down-to-earth guide to a crucial life skill - learning how to make money work for us. I’ve invited Swapnill repeatedly to guest on our show because of how intently he really listens to each question and how he tackles them with trademark clarity. Buy this book and share it with those you love; I know I will."

Michelle Martin, Host, Your Money with Michelle Martin, MoneyFM89.3